Friday, December 16, 2005

Year End Round Up 1 - The arrival of The Brown Dog

It is that time of year when people send letters telling you their news over the past year, most of it not all that interesting but since its personal, it's a nice update. For the first time, I feel the need to do the same; however, I am cheating by posting in my blog and avoiding the post all together! Come on---- at least it’s better than a seasonal SMS!

After 2004 being a year of change (good mostly I may add), I hoped 2005 would be one of consolidation and growing roots (at least for me) from a personal and professional perspective. Mostly, that has been the case; however, consolidation does go without change - which is a good thing of course!

We are now a family of 4. Welcome Bailey, the much adored brown dog that has really been my main focus since July - much to the horror of Theor and Jules! Having said that it is Theor who has been taking Bailey to school every Tuesday (almost) since the summer and his hard efforts paid off with them earning the maximum 180 points in the final test on Saturday. Our ‘champ’ still has a long way to go to become the ‘champion gun dog of Leiden’ but we have been reassured we are on the right track!

Jules and Bailey have become great friends and seem to remain on a 'who can grown the fastest' race! Having just turned 7 she is shooting up (Jules that is) and turning into a staggeringly beautiful and engaging young lady (most of the time!) Her biggest passions aside from DOG are: her gymnastics on a Thursday night, her go kart, playing the game cube (latest addition), helping out in the kitchen (salads especially). Her English is improving by the day too.... see next blog for more on that!


Endothermal said...

hey keep up the dog posts! It's great to hear from fellow brown dog owners from across the pond. Is bailey going to be a hunting dog? or just going through the training?

Endothermal said...

I can't stop giggling everytime I look Bailey's puppy mug shot.