We are still celebrating that the beaches are free of tourists and full of dogs :-) We have had some exceptional visits recently and some serious bodysurfing - of the four footed kind I mean :-)
I think Bailey over did it on Sunday, she woke the man human up at 3.30 yesterday night to get let out - it is still strange that this, woman human, did not wake up - but Bsiley's pitch is obviously tuned into the male ear :-) (Thanks girlie!!!0 I found out later that she had had several mouthfuls of horse crap - "now the money comes out of the sleeve" as they say in Holland!
I am away from home on business and miss my family so it a bit of a ramble this evening. However, one thing that Bailey fans may appreciate, she has found this incredible knack to charm little people - those under 5 I mean! She simply sits next to them and does a 'seal face' and they lose their fear and stroke her. I am thinking about taking her to some kid’s hospitals to do that once in a while - does anyone know of other dogs doing that?
Signing out and thanks to the two recent posts. I just wish we could get out to the US/Canada to do a visit - but Bailey in a cage in the hold for 10 hours?? Hummm… I still would love her to meet all her buddies though!
I think Bailey over did it on Sunday, she woke the man human up at 3.30 yesterday night to get let out - it is still strange that this, woman human, did not wake up - but Bsiley's pitch is obviously tuned into the male ear :-) (Thanks girlie!!!0 I found out later that she had had several mouthfuls of horse crap - "now the money comes out of the sleeve" as they say in Holland!
I am away from home on business and miss my family so it a bit of a ramble this evening. However, one thing that Bailey fans may appreciate, she has found this incredible knack to charm little people - those under 5 I mean! She simply sits next to them and does a 'seal face' and they lose their fear and stroke her. I am thinking about taking her to some kid’s hospitals to do that once in a while - does anyone know of other dogs doing that?
Signing out and thanks to the two recent posts. I just wish we could get out to the US/Canada to do a visit - but Bailey in a cage in the hold for 10 hours?? Hummm… I still would love her to meet all her buddies though!