Friday, May 19, 2006

Brown Dog Adventures

Cool blog site fromour friend across the water - Brown Dog Adventures

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.
-Ambrose Bierce-

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Smart Dogs Go To School

Well, who said school was just for humans???! Already armed with my diploma, Jules and I to her class a week or so ago! Look closely and you can see pictures up on the board and me BEHAVING in the corner :-)

Not only did we go through my daily routein and all the cool tricks I can do, Jules played a trick herself and pretended I had done a poop in the classroom! It was really a cookie which made it irrisistable of course - much to the horror of the squeeling kids!

She did brilliantly - of course - so did I !!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Climb On!

Had to show off how amazing Jules did climbing while we were had our 'eenie-meenie' holiday on the Dutch/Belgium border a few weeks ago. She was like a rat up a drain pipe climbing - really impressive and loved the ab-sail down too.

Cousin Lotte did great and with Theor, the four of us felt invincible after scaling walls for a couple of hours. To "relax", I joined the kids at an adventure swim park which was a riot. I have not laughed so much underwater in years! After an amazing dinner with the family, I hobbled to bed, exhausted - so much for a holiday!! holiday!!


1 year in people years, 7 in dog - whatever - time to celebrate. Jules came to stay last night which was cool so the people had a big breakfast - me not, but the idea was nice. The day has not been so spectacular so far, but a run has been promised :-) The big party is June 17th with my brothers and sisters at Katwijk, which is about 20 minutes away. I will be fully play fit by then and man, will I enjoy that.

Cousins Stich and Pandora sent me a crazy card today and I have been promised a new bed for my present. The trouble is, the people think I will eat it - let's see what happens over the weekend. News from here, I can now run next to a bike and climb the stairs. Both mean more time with the people and a lot of encouragement - especially coming down stairs! My elbow is fully healed but still no intense playing allowed which can be irritating. Swimming is well allowed. Here is a picture to prove it

Hey - open invite to those who can get to Holland on June 17th to join the fun! Could be tricky for my Canadian buddies but we will have a good romp all the same!

Big licks, Bailey-the-birthday-brown!